56 Thomas Street – Masonry & Parapet Repairs

by Bulado Construction

56 Thomas Street – Masonry & Parapet Repairs

We recently completed our masonry and parapet repairs project at 56 Thomas St, New York, NY. The project initially started in September 2014, when the building was mobilized and set up for further work, which consisted of:

·         Pointing and powerwashing all masonry on the North façade

·         Siloxane/aquathane waterproofing of the North façade

·         Re-painting of the North façade cornice

·         Scraping and painting of all five (5) French balconies

·         Sill repairs of sheet metal coping/covers on 2nd, 3rd, & 4th floors

·         Repainting of the North façade

·         Repainting of diamond plate ramp at building entrance

·         Structural expansion joint replacement

·         Painting of bulkhead cladding

·         Roof deck repairs & furnishing/installation of a 20-year Siplast roof system

Overall the project at 56 Thomas Street has been very successful. Despite the harsh winter, the repairs were completed in a timely fashion. Below please see pictures of some of the final work at the North façade of 56 Thomas Street.